P2H’s Journey Through Holacracy – Insights from Navigating Organizational Change
P2H’s Journey Through Holacracy – Insights from Navigating Organizational Change
A Vague Desire to Integrate Business Analytics is Not Enough; P2H Founder’s Approach to BI
A Vague Desire to Integrate Business Analytics is Not Enough; P2H Founder’s Approach to BI
How One Company Solves the OXO Problem to Revolutionise Web Development
How One Company Solves the OXO Problem to Revolutionise Web Development
Division-Directors interview to the Speka Media
For over 17 years, P2H has been a reliable software development company in the global market.
Charity for Charity: How IT Companies Can Donate Their Expertise
Since February 2022, the volunteer movement in Ukraine has reached its peak. It is probably difficult to find a Ukrainian not currently donating to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.